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Stock Update
Stock Update
Servotech UPS
Servotech UPS
Servotech UPS
Servotech UPS
Servotech UPS
Servotech UPS
Servotech UPS

GIZ Collaboration

The GIZ, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH, or simply, the German Development Agency, Servotech’s long-term Research and Development partner, visited our facility in Kundli, Haryana, to gauge into how innovation projects are evolving and how knowledge transfer between the two entities is materialising into more accessible and affordable solutions for the masses. Here, glance over as Servotech’s founder Mr. Raman Bhatia acquaints the German Ambassador to India about India’s first portable solar solution ServPort, that has been developed by the synergistic collaboration of Servotech and GIZ.