If you’ve brought an Oxygen Concentrator, You’ve GOT TO Read these Safety Precautions

When we breathe, oxygen passes through our respiratory system and into our bloodstream via our lungs and circulatory system. Oxygen is the second most abundant element in the earth’s atmosphere (air), and it makes living easier for humans and animals. Oxygen also aids burning, despite the fact that oxygen is a non-flammable gas. However, combustible compounds burn more rapidly in an oxygen-rich environment. While this does not render O2 hazardous in and of itself, it does suggest that oxygen users should exercise caution when near fire, sparks, or other combustible objects.
Given the growing use of oxygen support machines, it is only important to heed a few important things to make the right use of these devices. Portable oxygen concentrators give users a level of freedom, mobility, and independence that they wouldn’t have otherwise, by delivering oxygen–enriched air straight to the lungs. POCs (portable oxygen concentrators) are completely safe. However, some steps need be taken to ensure continuous safety, and if these precautions are followed, traveling by automobile or airline with a portable oxygen concentrator will be safe.
- In the proximity of oxygen, avoid any open flames. This includes matches, cigarette lighters, candles, and any type of smoking. If someone wants to smoke while you’re using a portable oxygen concentrator, please ask them to do so outdoors or away from you and the machine. Oxygen is an inflammable gas. Therefore, be mindful of keeping a distance of at least two meters between your portable oxygen concentrator and any fire-inducing items. This includes things like gas stove tops and candles.
- Other heat sources, such as portable electric or gas heaters, ovens, and stoves, should be avoided. Maintain a distance of at least five feet between such heat sources and POC oxygen sources.
- Use water-based products instead of petroleum-based lotions or creams, or any other O2 flammable substance. Take particular care especially while showering or taking baths. It’s critical that your portable oxygen concentrator doesn’t get wet or exposed to moist air for your safety. However, depending on your unique requirements, you may need to shower or wash while utilizing your machine.
- Smoking while on oxygen is risky and will almost certainly end in fatality. It is not permitted to smoke in the same room as the portable oxygen concentrator or any oxygen-carrying accessories. If you want to smoke, switch off the oxygen concentrator, remove your cannula, and move to another room. You must wait at least 10 minutes after turning off the portable oxygen concentrator before smoking if you are unable to leave the room.
- When utilizing your portable oxygen concentrator, it’s critical to stay away from aerosol items. Hairsprays, body sprays, and even certain air fresheners fall under this category. Aerosols are extremely combustible.
- Never use or store a portable oxygen concentrator in a poorly ventilated space, such as a closet, cabinet, or your car trunk. This can result in an oxygen-rich environment, which, although not making O2 combustible, can increase the danger of combustion.
- Another thing to keep in mind while using a portable oxygen concentrator is the intake vents. Any blockage of the vents, whether it’s baggy clothing or a carry bag that’s been changed to an inappropriate location on the machine, can obstruct performance. It’s critical to keep an eye on this while you use your device on a daily basis.
- Store oxygen cylinders in an upright, safe position away from any open flame, heat source, or direct sunlight in a well-ventilated location. Covering with a cloth or plastic is not recommended. Also, get your oxygen concentrator inspected and maintained on a regular basis, as directed by the manufacturer.
- Always use a grounded electrical outlet when using an oxygen concentrator. Never use a power board or an extension cord. Close the valve and mark the cylinder as empty when the cylinder is almost empty. Do not mix full and empty cylinders in the same container.
- The last piece of precaution is to make sure the device is clean and dry. Portable oxygen concentrators are just like other electronic gadgets. This indicates that they are very vulnerable to water damage. Because the concentrator has numerous sensitive electronic components, submerging it in water or allowing water to enter through any of the vents could permanently destroy it. Using a carrying case is the best way to keep your device dry.
Portable oxygen concentrators are, by far, the safest supplemental oxygen devices available. They’re light, have a small footprint, and are incredibly dependable. However, because they offer medical-grade oxygen, you need to take some precautions before using them.
The finest resources for you will be your oxygen manufacturer and user handbook. Because each portable oxygen concentrator works a little differently, it’s best to learn how it works before using it.